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7 ways to increase brand awareness using social media

brand awareness using social media

Australians are spending almost 6 hours a day on the internet, with almost two hours spent on social media. As marketers and business owners, it’s important to take this into account and adapt your business accordingly. Utilise social media and invest time into developing the perfect strategy which will target your ideal audience. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Snapchat or Pinterest, there is great marketing potential in every social media platform. If your aim is to develop your business and boost your brand awareness, the best possible way you can do this is by using social media. Interested to know how? Read our 7 ways to increase brand awareness using social media. 1. Research your target audience This is the most crucial step in any marketing strategy and an area which you must invest enough time into, is to define your audience. Without a target audience, you are investing time and money into marketing which might not be beneficial for your business. Think about who your ideal clientele would be and write down as many characteristics as you can which they would fall into. Whether it be age, gender, occupation, interests etc, having a defined target audience will help you when you create content and determine who views it. 2. Create appealing visual content By creating appealing, visual content for your audience, you will be able to keep them engaged and interacting with your profiles. Think back to your target audience and think about the types of content they would like to see. Get creative and plan your content ahead so you have time to create quality posts. Content ideas may include video tutorials, infographics, before and after photos, team introduction posts, client/customer testimonials, etc. Creating engaging content frequently will build your reputation and attract more followers to your page. 3. Utilise influencers Social media influencers are an ideal way to gain brand exposure and promote your business. Find influencers who reflect the target audience in your niche and use them to grow your business. Whether you pay a fee or provide free services/products exchange for a promotion, it’s quite a small price to pay for a significant amount of brand exposure. Always ensure to create an agreement with your influencer to ensure both parties obtain the best end result. 4. Aim to go viral Some of the most successful businesses have made it to where they are as a result of a viral post. If you are able to create content which is viewed and shared by thousands, if not millions, across the globe, this is the ultimate goal for brand exposure. Of course it’s not easy for content to go viral, otherwise everyone would be doing it. Start small and share your content across various social platforms, encourage your family and friends to share and try submitting to other credible websites. Remember to try to create content which is unique! 5. Make use of hashtags & location tags Hashtags and location tags are another great way of spreading brand awareness. Use hashtags and location tags which are relevant to the content you are sharing and your target audience. Utilise a combination of hashtags with both high and low followings. This will provide you with a greater chance of ending up in explore pages and having more people see your brand. If you are a global business, mix up your location tags to gain exposure in different cities throughout the world. 6. Interact on your social accounts Sometimes business owners focus so much time on other aspects of their work and tend to neglect one of the most important factors of social media, BEING SOCIAL. You must spend time interacting with your followers, commenting back to posts, responding to enquiries, and showing support to those who support you. This builds your online presence and will guarantee greater brand exposure. 7. Run competitions/giveaways A great way to create brand awareness fast is to run competitions or giveaways for your followers. This is a great way to encourage your followers to share your content, tag their friends in your posts and boost your brand awareness. Start a competition and watch your following grow significantly! One of the core fundamentals of any marketing strategy is to create brand awareness. Once people learn about your brand, they will learn to invest their trust in it and will be more willing to use your products or services. Social media is predominantly one of the best ways for any business to promote their brand and reach their target audience.

Why your small business needs local SEO to recover from COVID-19

Why your small business needs local SEO

In 2020, businesses have had to rethink their marketing strategy as a result of COVID-19 and take their products or services online. Search engines play a vital role in how much traffic is directed to a website. For consumers, search engines are an incredible tool which provides users with the ability to research any chosen topic and obtain valuable information instantly. With the implementation of search engine optimisation, this provides business owners with a great advantage to be able to market their product or service to any desired audience. Local SEO is a more targeted strategy of marketing which greatly benefits small business owners who work within a specific location and have a physical office or shop front. By implementing local SEO, businesses will have increased visibility under local search results and are able to target potential local prospects who may require your products or services. This provides small businesses in particular with an added advantage towards their marketing strategy and will benefit you greatly as we overcome the wrath of COVID-19. How can local SEO benefit your small business? Businesses now have the potential to target the entire globe however, depending on where you actually provide majority of your services, this won’t actually be of much use for you. If you own a restaurant or café, in Sydney, it won’t benefit your business greatly if you target search engine users on the other side of the world. Whilst it may be beneficial for brand exposure, in some circumstances local SEO is much more beneficial. The main objective of search engines is clear; to provide people with what they want and need. So, if you require a service within a specific location, Google and other search engines will provide you with the top-ranking websites within that location. Search engines rely heavily on local content, social profile pages, backlinks and citations to provide the most useful local results for search engine users. 4 out of 5 consumers use search engines to find local information. If you are not utilising local search, you could be missing out on a massive portion of potential clients or customers. How can I utilise local SEO for my business? Content is a major element of local SEO. When you create content, make an effort to frequently include phrases or key words relevant to your area. If you are a landscaper in Melbourne and you wish to target potential clients within your city, you should make an effort to incorporate keywords like ‘Melbourne landscaper’ as frequently as possible throughout the content of your website. It’s also important to incorporate the below:   Add location tags and pages to your website Optimise your website for mobile Ensure your contact details are current and up to date (contact number, email, address etc.) Utilise local directories Frequently engage with local prospects and other local businesses on social media Ensure your website has an optimised URL, meta tags and meta descriptions Optimise your website for Google my Business (a local business verification tool) Try to obtain as many positive reviews as possible on Google Almost every industry has had to adapt to the unforeseen events which have taken place in 2020 as a result of COVID-19. Building an online presence has been the key to keeping businesses alive. In order to stay up to date in a highly competitive digital age, you must consider optimising your website for local search. Approximately 46% of online searches have a local intent, which means it’s crucial for you to optimise your website for local SEO to ensure it’s visible for locals within your area of operation. By utilising local SEO, you will notice a significant increase in targeted traffic to your website and prospects who are genuinely interested in your product or service. If you want to see a maximum increase in targeted leads to your website, talk to the team at DGreat Solutions today to find out how we can optimise your website for local SEO.

What is influencer marketing and why should you use it?

What is influencer marketing and why should you use it?

Prior to the introduction of social media platforms, brands with a solid marketing budget would often pay celebrities large sums of money in order to endorse their products or services. Today influencer marketing has changed drastically as businesses now use everyday people with high levels of followers and engagement on their social media profiles to promote their brand. It’s quite a powerful strategy and utilises their social platform in order to reach their followers who trust their opinion and advice. Their followers rely on their word to provide credible information relating to their area of expertise within the social media world. Businesses are reaping in the benefits and are seeing a massive ROI from incorporating influencers into their marketing strategy. How does influencer marketing work? A brand or business will approach an influencer who appeals to their target audience and put forward a collaboration proposal. They will create an agreement entailing what they require from the influencer whether it be a one-off post or regular posts and will include what they are willing to provide in return for their services. Some influencers are happy to receive free goods or services and a discount code for their followers in order to create and share content on their profiles. Some have a set rate they charge per post/ story and some will be willing to negotiate pricing with you, depending on how much work you require from them. It’s important to have a clear objective planned out prior to approaching influencers, so you can obtain the most from using their platforms. Micro vs. Macro influencers When delving into the world of social media marketing, you will often hear the terms ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ influencers. This relates to the number of followers an influencer has and helps business owners and marketers plan their strategy. Micro influencers are influencers with a following between 1,000 and 10,000. Macro influencers have a following from 10,000 and above. Determining which type of influencer to use for your business will differ depending on your marketing strategy and budget. It’s important to remember that quality is sometimes better than quantity and, in some cases, micro influencers are much greater at providing an ROI. The more followers an influencer has, the more they charge per post and the lower their engagement rate. The benefit of using micro influencers is their followers are usually genuine and they interact with them frequently on a personal level. Consumers are more likely to trust the reviews of a micro influencer as they are more relatable. Why should you use influencer marketing? Statistics will reveal how effective it is for businesses from a variety of backgrounds to utilise some form of influencer marketing. Businesses are making $5.20 for every $1 they invest into influencer marketing. Generally, influencers are everyday people, they have jobs outside of social media, some are mums and dads and most importantly they are relatable. This means consumers are likely to buy your product or service because they trust the influencer as much as they would trust a review from a friend or family member. By investing in influencer marketing, you can reach a bigger audience, increase your social media following and website traffic, obtain more leads, convert sales and build trust with your consumers. How to find the right influencers? Finding the right influencer to promote your brand can sometimes prove to be a difficult task. However, if you create the right strategy and are clear in what you wish to obtain from an influencer, you will generate impressive results. It’s crucial to find influencers who reflect your brand’s image, you want to avoid using an influencer who posts inappropriate content or content which could jeopardise your business. Look for someone who replicates your ideal customer or client. Always look at their engagement levels and how frequently their followers interact with their posts. This will help you determine whether or not their followers are genuine or paid. If you don’t have time to source influencers yourself, there are a number of social media influencer agencies which source out the ideal influencer for your business. It would be beneficial to try both micro and macro influencers to determine which would be the right fit for your business objectives. As business shifts to the online world, it’s important to stay current and know the most beneficial marketing strategies to utilise. Influencer marketing has proven to benefit businesses of all industries and is guaranteed to provide you with an impressive ROI if you develop the right campaign. For assistance with your influencer marketing strategy, contact our expert team at DGreat Solutions.

The Algorithms of Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn: What is it and how do you master it?

The Algorithms of Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn: What is it and how do you master it?

An algorithm is essentially defined as a set or rules or processes used to solve a problem or work towards an end result. In terms of social media, an algorithm is a process with which each user’s posts are filtered and shared with others based upon a number of factors such as their online behavior, interests and profile interactions. Algorithms are important because they determine whether or not your posts reach the top of your follower’s newsfeeds. Social media algorithms can be quite a difficult topic to grasp especially when platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are continuously making changes to how user’s posts are viewed. This can be equally frustrating for business owners and marketers as having your content visible isn’t as simple as it used to be. Previously, posts were shared to users in chronological order so timing your posts was a top priority. Nowadays, the algorithms are based upon a number of factors and will vary depending on each platform. Although they are undeniably inconvenient at times, learning the ins and outs of each social media platform’s algorithmic approach will greatly benefit your organic reach. THE FACEBOOK ALGORITHM Being one of the most popular marketing platforms, Facebook is an ideal space for businesses to reach out to potential customers or clients. However, recently Facebook has made it harder than ever for businesses to reach people organically. This is due to newsfeed changes which mean Facebook users are more prone to seeing content from family and friends as opposed to businesses.  Facebook essentially prioritizes posts which are from profiles you frequently interact with, or posts which have a large number of reactions or comments and video content. Some tips for mastering Facebook’s algorithm include sharing your businesses content on your own personal account, frequently interacting with your account followers or friends, encouraging others to share your content and utilise video content as much as possible.  Also, ensure your business page is set to public so you are still visible to those who don’t follow your page. Boosting posts and Facebook ads aren’t organic, but are highly beneficial for business and do guarantee audience reach. THE INSTAGRAM ALGORITHM The Instagram algorithm has received much criticism over the past year especially from social media influencers and business owners who rely solely on the platform to operate. Timing of posts was always one of the main features of the Instagram algorithm in the past. It still is important; however Instagram also prioritises other features such as profiles users frequently engage with, the popularity of posts (including likes and shares) and hashtags each user follows. It can be very tricky for posts to be seen by users if they are not frequently interacting with their followers. If you want your posts to reach more of your followers organically, interact with your followers on a regular basis. By commenting, liking and sharing their content, in return Instagram will prioritise your content. Utilise hashtags, and use as many as you can (Instagram allows up to 30) based on a number of categories such as location and hashtags relevant to your content and industry. Post consistently and at times where your followers or target audience are most active. If your account is set to a business profile you are able to see this in your insights tab. Finally, share your content on your story highlights. Although they do last for only 24 hours, this is an additional way to share your content with your followers and can track who has viewed it. THE LINKEDIN ALGORITHM LinkedIn is potentially the most popular social media platform for B2B marketing. Quite similarly to Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn prioritises a number of factors in their algorithm. When sharing content on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep it professional and ensure it provides value for its audience. LinkedIn will favor content from profiles which you have interacted with previously as well as posts with high levels of engagement (shares, likes, comments etc.) and does not particularly favor content from business pages. In order to obtain good organic reach on LinkedIn, share your content on your business pages as well as your own personal accounts. This will enhance the likelihood of your posts being viewed and provides a more personal approach. Posting various formats of content such as text, image and video will also boost your visibility. And finally, as with all social media platforms, be consistent! Social media algorithms aren’t necessarily the easiest concept to grasp and will take some time to understand entirely. The best step you can take is to stay updated with each social media marketing platform and make note of any changes which occur to their algorithms. The more you familiarise yourself with each platform, the greater you will become at mastering the algorithms!

Top 7 Apps for Social Media Content Creation

7 of the best photo/video editing apps to create content for your social media accounts

Today business is highly dominated by social media, it’s one of the best ways for us to promote our business, considering 3.8 billion of us are active users. The quality of the content we share can really impact our level of success, which is why it’s so important to create fresh content which reflects your brand. Like all things in life, consistency is key. Businesses who post daily, perform much better than those who aren’t posting consistently throughout their social media accounts. Yet brainstorming content ideas, editing them post production and even sharing them, can deem to be a difficult task. Most business owners or marketers often have to delve into different professions, learning to be a photographer, video editor and graphic designer, on top of their day to day tasks. With the right apps, the process of creating content can be made much simpler, taking the pressure out of at least one area in your day to day tasks.  Keeping you all in mind, we’ve selected 7 of the best photo/video editing apps to easily create and edit content for your social media accounts. 1. CANVA Canva is a great tool for those with little or no graphic design experience to easily create infographics, logos or anything needed for your social pages. With over 50,000 templates, creating visually appealing content for your socials has never been easier! The great thing about Canva is it actually provides a great range of templates and tools for free. You also have the option to sign up to unlock more features and templates by paying a monthly subscription. 2. INSHOT Inshot is a great photo and video editing tool where you can create video content for your socials. You can format the content accordingly for each social media account and add your own music, effects and voice-overs. Inshot has a wide range of editing tools, to easily create content which looks professional. Inshot subscriptions are affordable at only $4.99 AUD per month. 3. ADOBE SPARK From the creative geniuses at Adobe, comes Adobe Spark. Comprised of 3 separate apps, Spark Page, Spark Video and Spark Post, Spark is one of the easiest of the Adobe programs to create professional content for your social accounts within seconds. With thousands of templates and simple to follow editing tools, Spark is your new best friend when it comes to creating and editing social content. What’s great about Spark is that you can download it on both your desktop your mobile, making it easy to use from the office or when you’re on the go. 4. SNAPSEED Snapseed is a brilliant photo editing tool which allows you to sharpen, crop, tune and straighten your images as well as wide range of other photo adjustment tools. With an impressive feature which allows you to pinpoint a certain area of your image and adjust just that area. This enables you to make ‘photoshop’ like adjustments easily without needing any previous design experience. Snapseed is free and available on both iOS and Android. 5. IMPRESSO Creating engaging content for your social media stories has never been easier with Impresso. Impresso is designed to assist users to easily create unique videos without needing any prior design knowledge. With over 100 templates, you can add both photos and videos, adding music and text, adding animations to grab the attention of your followers. Impresso offers a free 7 day trial and subscriptions are just $9.99 AUD per month. 6. FACETUNE Facetune is recognised globally for being one of the best photo editing apps to correct imperfections or enhance your facial features. A great app for makeup artists, influencers or anyone needing to make a few adjustments to their professional headshots. Facetune is so simple to use yet you can make professional level adjustments to your selfies within seconds! 7. SPLICE Invented with GoPro users in mind, Splice assists its users to turn content shot via your mobiles, GoPro or any recording device, and transform it into a professionally appealing piece of content. Add music, text overlay, filters and much more on both your mobile device or desktop. Splice provides a free 7 day trial, with a weekly subscription fee of $4.49 AUD. Having well-planned content and a visually appealing feed can really make a huge impact in the success of your business. Thankfully with our smartphones we can create all the content for our business, conveniently. We are able to shoot photo and video content, edit post production and share to all accounts at the touch of a button. Regularly posting on various social platforms is a job in itself, but if you have the right apps, you can easily create great content and fast.

9 digital marketing tips to help your business grow online

9 digital marketing tips to help your business grow online

The internet is constantly evolving and majority of businesses have chosen to offer or promote their products or services online. Having an online platform means you can operate your business from literally anywhere in the world as long as you have a laptop and internet connection. This brings forth a number of benefits for entrepreneurs wanting to start up a business, or existent business owners. By implementing digital marketing, you can watch your business evolve not just locally but globally and reach greater opportunities like never before. Being experts in the field, we’ve selected 10 digital marketing tips to help your business grow online. 1. Plan a good strategy Planning a strategy for your digital marketing is one of the key elements contributing to the success of your business. Think about what your business sells or the services you offer. What do you want to gain by advertising online? Do you want to promote brand awareness? Perhaps you want to have more website traffic? Do you want more followers on Instagram? Create a budget and list your main goals. 2. Invest in a good website No matter what industry you’re in, having a well-constructed website will increase your businesses credibility and lead to more sales. Whether you’re creating the website yourself, or hiring a professional, you must ensure your website is fast, easy to navigate, mobile friendly and optimised for conversion. 3. Get social If your business isn’t on social media already, it needs to be! There’s no denying that social media has become such a major part of our everyday lives. We spend so much time using it and by utilising social media platforms to promote your business, you can reach a much wider audience, expanding your business on a global scale. Many businesses generate a large percentage of their income as a result of social media marketing. 4. SEO Long gone are the days where you would need to pull out the phone book and manually search the A-Z directory to find a service you were looking for! Nowadays people simply do a google search in order to find the solution to their problems. SEO (search engine optimisation), is a process which aims to boost your rankings on search engines, to put you ahead of your industry competitors. SEO is certainly the future of digital marketing. 5. Ads, ads and more ads Creating ads which promote your business via social media platforms, is incredibly powerful. You can create advertisements which target your desired audience based on a number of factors including their location, age or gender to even more specified areas such as shopping habits and hobbies. By consistently using ads, you can create targeted campaigns to ensure you spend your marketing budget wisely. 6. Use influencers to promote your brand Depending on what industry you’re in, you should definitely consider using an influencer to promote your business. Most influencers on Instagram with a large number of followers, will usually accept a free product or service in exchange for a promotion of your product via their page. This leads to great business exposure and often leads to an increase in sales. 7. Start blogging Writing informative pieces relating to your industry is a great way to gain brand exposure and add credibility to your business. By having a blog on your website, this shows your audience that you are experts in your field and will help bring more traffic to your page. 8. Customer service is essential In the same way you would promote good customer service offline, the same goes for your online presence. You must engage with your customers or clients online regularly and assist them with their queries. Having a good online reputation is essential and will be the make or break for clients to choose your business over your competitors. 9. Track your results frequently Tracking your progress on a regular basis is so important for your business. By doing so, you are aware of what strategies worked well along with what didn’t. This will help you prioritise your spending and ensure that you invest your money in areas of digital marketing which are going to benefit your business. The most important thing to take away from this is that by not implementing a good digital marketing strategy, you pose the risk of missing out on some serious potential clients or customers. By following these digital marketing tips, you will stay ahead of your competitors in your industry.

How to use instagram to build brand trust

How to use Instagram to build brand trust

Instagram now has over 800 million active users. It is unarguably one the most far reaching social media platforms you can get your hands on. Instagram has proven itself to be a great advertising platform for businesses and shows no signs of slowing down. eMarketer estimated the worldwide ad revenues to exceed $10 billion dollars by this year. This is quite an increase from just under $2 billion in 2016.If you’re not already using Instagram to increase the reach and build brand awareness, you’re missing out. Thankfully, its relatively easy to get your business up and running, you just need enough time and effort to implement a well thought out strategy. STUDY Your first step should be going out and finding other business similar to yours and studying what they are currently posting. Look at the colours, the type of imagery, the people in the photos, the location etc. Think about how it makes you feel when you see their content, what kind of emotion are they pulling from you, does it make you want to be a part of their culture?If yes, then model what they are doing. We aren’t saying to copying what they’re doing, but for now, write down things that you like and things that you don’t like. WHAT TO POST Now that you have some idea on what your competitors are posting and the angle they’re going for, it’s time to decide on what you want to start posting! This changes entirely on industry to industry and obviously I don’t know what kind of legal obligations you may have within yours. But, you want to be posting content that is; 1) Relative to your industry. 2) Speaks how you want your ideal customer to speak. And 3) Keeps existing and potential customers engaged with your brand. So hopefully you already know your ideal customer, or at least have some idea of who they are, what they do, where they hang out and what other kind of things they spend their money on. We have found that it is best to actually give this “ideal customer” a name, give them an outfit, hair style and friends. It might seem a bit odd, but it will help you think and realise who your target market it. And hey, doesn’t hurt to try. WHEN TO POST Instagram has changed its algorithms a lot in the recent years, to the point that it almost doesn’t matter ‘when’ you post, but more so ‘how often’ you post. Instagram favours regular, high quality and high engaged content. It is a general recommendation that you post at least once per day, twice if you feel the need to. And that’s just for the standard Instagram ‘feed’ post, Instagram stories is a whole other mind field. Now, I’m sure we all follow someone who feels the need to put every waking minute of their lives on the instagram stories, we are saying to do this. But, I believe business owners could take a leaf out of their book. Instagram stories are a great way to drive existing followers to your page and keep them in the loop! It won’t necessarily get your page discovered by new people (that’s what your Instagram Feed posts are for), but when they do land on your page and you have a story that’s been posted in the last 24 hours, they are liking to look. It helps keep your profile looking lively and active, and is just another great way to keep engagement up on your profile. Instagram the amazing platform Instagram is an amazing platform for building your brands image and communicating with your existing and potential customers. Try not to overthink your content, keep it lighthearted, keep up with current trends and keep your audience engaged.If you are struggling to come up with ideas or are just feeling overwhelmed with the road ahead for your business and instagram, get in contact with us today! We over free consultation calls, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Six reasons you need to start using paid social media advertising

social media advertising

If you or your business owner are still on the fence about social media advertising, here are some figures for you. More than two billion people use social media every day. The average person spends 135 minutes per day on social networks. Also, the number of small businesses advertising on Facebook has doubled to 50 million in recent months.So if you aren’t using social media to advertise your products or services, you are at risk of falling behind the competition. Paid social media is quite different from traditional outbound advertising. Big data and machine learning allows you to target, reach and ultimately find your audience with ease. Each platform has been designed to bring results for different aspects of your business, such as branding, lead generation, website traffic, etc.These platforms even give you native analytics for insights into how they recommend increasing the performance of your advertising campaign. Whether you’re looking for reach, engagement, or sales – the case for advertising on social media marketing has never been stronger.Here are seven benefits to using paid social media advertising for your small business:• Magnify your reach• Laser targeting• Branding• Content marketing push• On the fly reach• Crazy market insights 1. Advertising on social media gives your brand instant visibility. Posts from friends and family now receive priority, so organic reach for brands on social media is declining steadily – especially on Facebook. The sheer volume of posts makes connecting with your audience a statistical improbability.Due to Facebook’s change in their algorithms, posts from family and friends now receive priority over brands and pages. We aren’t saying posting on social media is pointless, but if you are expecting big results from it, you need to be able to put money behind it. Paid ads are guaranteed a place in the user’s feed, this is what we mean by “putting money behind it”. Despite the sheer volume of posts and ads being ran on social media platforms, everyone gets to be seen.To reach the most amount of people, you need to find out where your audience spends their time online. Refer to the image below from, this graphic depicts the platforms that each different age group use the most. 2. Laser Targeting If you take anything away from this, its that Paid social media advertising allows you to reach the exact people you want! Each platform offers a ridiculous amount of targeting options. This goes beyond just basic demographics, some targeting options include; interests, hobbies, personality types, and many, many more.Look Alike Audience targeting is one of the most powerful options you can use, it allows you to take a list of people. Let’s say, your customer purchase list. You can upload this file to Facebook and tell it to find people that are most like these people, the people that have already purchased from you. You can create retargeting campaigns by simply installing the Facebook Pixel onto your website. This will track users that have visited, added to cart, purchased etc. It can even track the exact product they looked at, so you can do things like create dynamic product ads that feature the specific products that each individual customers looked at. 3. Branding Social media is one of the most cost effective ways to create exposure and buzz around your brand. If you business is appearing on social platforms regularly, people will start to recognise you. Once you become a familiar name with your audience you will start to increase credibility, drive engagement, and eventually purchasing behaviour.Statistics show that 80% of users follow at least one brand on Instagram, of that at least 30% of users have purchased a product they found on the Instagram platform. So, when you are trying to create awareness, create ads that are both informative and memorable. One of the many companies that has used social media branding to their advantage is Sydney recording studio. 4. Content Marketing Push Social media is an ideal way to distribute your best content.Social media has become the best way to get your best content out there. According to Sprout Social, nearly 75% of users follow a brand because they’re interested in its product or service. Keep your followers engaged with educational content that will transform them into ready to go buyers!Social media based ads will help drive website traffic, boost your social media engagement and, if done correctly, improve your ROI for content marketing. 5. On The Fly Reach The dispersion of social media advertising isunrivaled, it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that 80% of time spent on social media is spent on a mobile device.When people want to know, find, or purchase something, the first thing we do is pull out our phones. Social media advertising campaigns will help you either get that persons attention in that moment, or hopefully, you will already have made an impression on them with a previous campaign and you will be the first business they come to. 6. Crazy Market Insights Facebook analytics platform is insane, you can find out just about every detail you could ever want or need. How did your audience react to your ad? Which platform worked best? Which ad graphic performed best? Did an image or video convert better? You can set up customised on the fly analytics that will give you live reports such as clicks, comments, website visits, conversion, any many, many more.The optimisation you can do with your ads is unparalleled with Facebook insights. Once you know your exact perfect performing audience, nothing can stop your growth. Why Pay for Social Media Advertising? Like we mentioned earlier, organic reach on social platforms is continuing to fall. Paid social advertising is what keeps your pages alive. As a result of this, businesses, small and large are having to change their social media strategies.You may have noticed some of the big fortune 500 companies showing up in your newsfeed this past couple year. The time is NOW if you want to even be able to afford using these platforms. As more and more companies with larger and larger budgets continue